WIAW- Gone Green

I must apologize to my blog readers in advance. I’ve been holding out on you guys and failed to mention that for the month of March, WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday), founded by Jenn at Peas & Crayons, went green. By “green,” I meant that us bloggers were challenged to add more green vegetables to our diets.  So in celebration of the last WIAW of the month, I made a conscious effort yesterday to go green.

I started the day off with a smoothie. Do not be fooled by its lavender hue, there was plenty of green in this blueberry and goat kefir concoction in the form of two heaping handfuls of baby spinach. I read that Lady Gaga adds spinach to her smoothies and have seen other bloggers do it, so like a little lemming, I joined the club.  The sweetness of the blueberries with the tang of the kefir masked the flavor of the spinach. Bottomline: Breakfast was a delight.

Lunch was courtesy (i.e. $5.99 down the drain) of Whole foods. I saw this Tangerine Detox Salad Monday evening and decided to outsource lunch for a change. I can’t remember everything that was in the salad but I know that it included tangerine (duh!), mango, cabbage, pepitas, and something green. It was good but not great.

Snack(ish): Since my lunch wasn’t very substantial, I had my snack immediately after. Hummus and a sliced (green) cucumber. It was a match made in heaven.

Mid-afternoon, I found my mind wandering. As much as I’m trying to kick the Starbucks habit, I couldn’t resist an opportunity to get out and get caffeinated. One grande soy latte and an extra shot of expresso in a cup featuring a GREEN nymph(???) coming right up! And I went on with my bad self.

If you’ve been following the blog (bless you!), you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t posted a recipe in awhile. Kurt was away on business last week and I’ve been swamped at the office so I thought it a good reason as any to take a break from cooking. Last night, I planned on making shrimp for me and Kurt, but when he texted that he’d be home late, I nuked this little guy instead:  Two Dr. Praeger’s California veggie burgers with melted jalapeno almond cheese topped with garlic hummus and spicy thai chili sauce. It may not sound very appetizing or be very pretty but it was good. In fact, it was really really good. I am a bit obsessed with this combination.  Eye roll? Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.

Dinner was followed by two dark chocolate Toblerone triangles and a diet pepsi. I rarely drink soda but I had a little craving for caffeinated bubbles. Plus, we’re out of bottled water. For me, the Brita filter is for tea and other hot beverages.

And as this WAIW post comes to an end, I will leave you with the following questions:

1. Honestly, what do you think of my dinner choice? Considering that I was a bit defensive about it, I won’t be surprised if you shook your head at it. C’Mon, don’t yuck my yum!

2. Do you drink Brita water? I used to, but I don’t like the taste of the water in my new town even post-Brita.

3. Lady Gaga: Love her or hate her? Love her.

8 thoughts on “WIAW- Gone Green

  1. Susan says:

    Your writing is really good. I’d try the dinner recipe. Trader Joe’s Masala veggie burgers are good too.

  2. Such a bummer about the whole foods lunch–it sounds so promising!
    Also, please explain this jalopeno almond cheese!!! I’m so intrigued!

    • FreshMutz says:

      Fortunately, my expectations for the salad weren’t too high. The jalapeno almond cheese is so good. I am not anti-dairy cheese at all. Put a wedge of brie in front of me or a hunk of fresh mutz (obviously) and it won’t be there for long. Last year, a lof of bloggers were talking up all different nut cheeses (<–that sounds vile, I know) so I thought that I would give it a try. I fell in love with the jalapeno jack from Lisanatti foods. It's not vegan since it has casein but it's spicier that most jacks and melts creamy not chewy. I don't eat it because I think its healthier than dairy cheese. Sure, it may be lower in fat and calories but the ingredients are less pure. I'm a repeat buyer because I just love the stuff. For more information, check out: http://lisanattifoods.com/index.php?Itemid=8&option=com_zoo&view=item&category_id=1&item_id=4

  3. Elina says:

    I heart the green nymph!! And it totally counts! But, I may be biased 😉

  4. justjac says:

    I think the dinner looks good! I’ve definitely done that combo before :)!!

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